满 忠 胜


» 姓名:满忠胜

» 系属:光电系

» 学位:博士

» 职称:教授

» 专业:光学工程

» 导师类别:硕士生导师

» 电子邮箱:zsman@sdut.edu.cn

» 通讯地址:

» 电话:0533-2782231

» QQ


1.      纳米矢量结构光场

2.      自旋轨道角动量相互作用

3.      拓扑光子学

4.      光学微操控

5.      光控表面等离激元

6.      光学奇点



1.       2012.09-2015.06,南开大学,光学工程,博士研究生

2.       2015.07-2019.12,澳门新葡游戏网,讲师

3.       2018.08-2019.08Delft University of Technology(荷兰代尔夫特理工大学),访问学者

4.       2020.01-2021.12,澳门新葡游戏网,副教授

5.       2022.01-至今,澳门新葡游戏网,教授



1.      Optica, Optics Letters, Optics Express, Optics   Communications, Applied Optics, JOSA A等期刊审稿人

2.      山东省光学工程学会会员



1.       《物理光学》、《光学计算与仿真》、《薄膜光学》、《照明技术》、《精密仪器设计》、《大学物理》等本科生课程

2.       《结构光场及应用》、《数字图像处理》等研究生课程



1.       国家自然科学基金面上项目12074224,高度局域等离激元矢量涡旋的构建、传输及拓扑演化特性研究,2021.01-2024.1262万元,主持

2.       国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目11604182,全邦加球偏振调制表面等离子体操控基础研究,2017.01-2019.1222万元,主持

3.   山东省自然科学基金山东省优秀青年基金ZR2021YQ02纳米结构光场调控,2022.1-2024.12, 40万元,主持

4.       山东省自然科学基金中青年科学家科研奖励基金项目ZR2016AB05,全光动态表面等离子体光学涡旋调控基础研究,2016.11-2018.116万元,主持

5.       光电子器件与系统教育部重点实验室开放课题项目GD201704,全光表面等离激元光学旋涡调控研究,2017.01-2018.126万元,主持

6.       国家自然科学基金面上项目61975128,基于矢量偏振脉冲的非线性光镊及应用研究,2021.01-2023.1259万元,参与

7.       国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目11704227,新型二维材料锑稀的非线性吸收性能研究及应用,2018.01-2020.1229万元,参与

8.       国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目11704226,非均匀湍流大气中涡旋光束的传输特性及自适应光学校正,2018.01-2020.1225万元,参与

9.       山东省自然科学基金面上基金项目ZR2017MA051,涡旋光束在非均匀湍流大气中的传输特性及自适应光学校正,2017.08-2020.0614万元,参与

10.       山东省自然科学基金面上基金项目ZR2019MA046,磁等离激元微纳光结构的光学和磁学特性研究,2019.07-2022.06,20万元,参与

11.  山东省自然科学基金面上基金项目ZR2019MA020X射线自由电子激光参量优化机制及其传播动力学理论研究,2019.07-2022.06,20万元,参与



1.       Yudong Lyu, Zhongsheng Man*,   Rui Zhao, Peiwen Meng, Wenfei Zhang, Xiaolu Ge, Shenggui Fu*, Hybrid   polarization induced transverse energy flow, Optics Communications 485:126704 (2021).

2.       Junjie Yuan, Guowei Liu, Zhengping Wang, Shenggui Fu, Xiaolu Ge, Zhongsheng Man, Kezhen Han,   Fang Zhang, Fei Xing, & Xinguang Xu, Starting monomer of graphdiyne hexakis[(trimethylsilyl)ethynyl]benzene:   a superior nonlinear absorption material, Journal of Materials Science, 56(5):1-10 (2021).

3.       Tiange Wu, Junfeng Shen, Zongwen Li, Fei Xing, Wei Xin, Zhao Wang,   Guowei Liu, Xue Han, Zhongsheng Man,   Shenggui Fu, Microfluidic-integrated graphene optical sensors for real-time   and ultra-low flow velocity detection, Applied Surface Science, 539:148232 (2021).

4.       Chengxin Lei, Zhongsheng Man,   Shaolong Tang, Extraordinary optical transmission and enhanced   magneto-optical Faraday effects in one-dimensional metallic gratings, Applied Physics Express, 13(12):122002 (2020).

5.       Xifu Yue, Xiaolu Ge, Yudong Lyu, Rui Zhao, Benyi Wang, Kezhen Han,   Wenfei Zhang, Zhongsheng Man, Shengfui Fu, Mean intensity of lowest   order Bessel-Gaussian beams with phase singularities in turbulent atmosphere,   Optik - International   Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 219:165215 (2020).

6.       Tiange Wu, Junfeng Shen, Zongwen Li, Tingting Zou,   Wei Xin, Fei Xing, Fang Zhang, Zhongsheng   Man, Shenggui Fu, Optical graphene-based ultrasensitive microfluidic sensor for the   real-time and label-free monitoring of simulated arterial blood flow, Optics Express, 28(11): 16594-16604 (2020)

7.       Wenfei Zhang, Guomei Wang, Fei Xing, Zhongsheng Man, Fang Zhang, Kezhen   Han, Huanian Zhang, Shengfui Fu, Passively Q-switched and mode-locked erbium-doped fiber   lasers based on tellurene nanosheets as saturable absorber, Optics Express, 28(10): 14729-14739 (2020).

8.       Zhongsheng Man, Zheng Xi, Xiaocong Yuan*, R. E. Burge,   and H. Paul Urbach*, Dual coaxial longitudinal polarization vortex   structures, Physical   Review Letters,   124(10): 103901 (2020).

9.       Zhongsheng Man*, Peiwen Meng, Shenggui Fu*, Creation of   complex nano-interferometric field strutures, Optics Letters, 45(1): 37-40 (2020).

10.  Zhongsheng Man*, Xiujie Dou, Hendrik Paul Urbach, The   evolutions of spin density and energy flux of strongly focused standard full   Poincaré beams, Optics Communications, 458: 124790 (2020).

11.  Fang Zhang, Guowei Liu, Junjie Yuan,   Zhengping Wang, Tianhong Tang, Shenggui Fu, Huanian Zhang, Zhongsheng   Man, Fei Xing, Xinguang Xu, 2D Graphdiyne: excellent ultraviolet   nonlinear absorption material, Nanoscale, (2020).

12.  Yuquan Zhang, Liwei Cao, Houkai Chen,   Yanmeng Dai, Zhongsheng Man, Guang Li, Changjun Miin, H. P.   Urbach, Xiaocong Yuan, Enhancement Effect of Au Claddings in Tip Enhanced   Raman Spectroscopy, Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron   Optics, 199: 163326(2019).

13.  Shuoshuo Zhang, Zhidong Bai, Jinjian Li,   Yudong Lyu, Zhongsheng Man, Fei Xing, Xiaolu Ge, Shenggui Fu,   Tunable focal shift induced by polarization and phase shaping, Optik-International Journal for Light and   Electron Optics,199: 162788(2019).

14.  Zhongsheng Man*, Xiujie Dou, Shenggui Fu*, Pancharactnam–Berry   phase shaping for control of the transverse enhancement of focusing, Optics Letters, 44(2),   427-430 (2019).

15.  Zhidong Bai, Shuoshuo Zhang, Jinjian Li,   Yudong Lü, Zhongsheng Man*,   Xiaolu Ge, Fei Xing, Shenggui Fu, Control of the creation of bottle-hollow   beam by polarization shaping, Optik, 182: 74-79   (2019).

16.  Zhongsheng Man*, Shuoshuo Zhang, Zhidong Bai, Yuquan   Zhang, Xiaolu Ge, Fei Xing, Yu-Ping Sun, Shenggui Fu*, All-optical   and dynamic manipulation of surface plasmon polaritons by tailoring the   polarization state of incident light, Laser Physics Letters, 16(2):026001 (2019).

17.  Zhongsheng Man*, Xiaoyu Li, Shuoshuo Zhang, Zhidong Bai,   Yudong Lyu, Jinjian Li, Xiaolu Ge, Yu-Ping Sun*, Shenggui Fu,   Manipulation of the transverse energy flow of azimuthally polarized beam in   tight focusing system, Optics Communications,431:174-180, (2019).

18.  Peiwen Meng, Zhongsheng Man*,   A. P. Konijnenberg, Hendrik Paul Urbach, Angular momentum properties of   hybrid cylindrical vector vortex beams in tightly focused optical systems, Optics Express 27(24):35336 (2019).

19.  Shuoshuo Zhang, Shenggui Fu*, Huannian   Zhang, Xiaolu Ge, Zhidong Bai, Yudong Lyu, Rui Zhao, Zhongsheng Man*,   Fully controlled photonic spin in highly confined optical field, Optics Express 27(23):33621 (2019).

20.  Shenggui Fu, Xinxin Shang, Fang Zhang, Fei   Xing, Zhongsheng Man, Wenfei Zhang, Benyi Wang, Dengwang Li,   Huannian Zhang, Ferromagnetic insulator Cr2Ge2Te6 as modulator for generating   near-infrared brightdark soliton pair, Applied Optics 58(33):9217 (2019).

21.  Shenggui Fu, Jinjian Li, Shuoshuo Zhang,   Zhidong Bai, Tiange Wu, Zhongsheng Man, Large-energy   mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser based on indium selenide as a modulator, Optical Materials Express 9(6):2662 (2019).

22.  Guowei Liu, Fang Zhang, Tiange Wu, Zongwen   Li, Wenfei Zhang, Kezhen Han, Fei Xing, Zhongsheng Man, Xiaolu   Ge, Shenggui Fu, Single- and dual-wavelength passively mode-locked   erbium-doped fiber laser based on antimonene saturable absorber, IEEE Photonics Journal PP(99):1-1 (2019).

23.  Wenfei Zhang, Jian Liang, Fei Xing, Zhongsheng   Man, Xiaolu Ge, Shenggui Fu, Polarimetric imaging method for target   enhancement in haze based on polarimetric retrieval, Journal of Modern Optics 66(11):1-9 (2019).

24.  Shenggui Fu, Shuoshuo Zhang, Jinjian Li,   Zhidong Bai, Tiange Wu, Zhongsheng Man, Passively Q-switched   Nd-doped fiber laser based on PbS/CdS core/shell quantum dots as a saturable   absorber, Applied   Optics, 58(11),   3036 (2019).

25.  Wenfeng Yuan, Zhongsheng Man*, Manipulating the magnetic energy density   and energy ux by cylindrically symmetric state of   polarization, Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics 185:208-214 (2019).

26.  Jinjian Li, Shuoshuo Zhang, Zhidong Bai, Zhongsheng Man, Shenggui Fu*,   Tunable multiwavelength Q-switched erbium-doped fiber laser based on graphene   and tapered fiber, Optical Engineering, 57(9):096106 (2018).

27.  Zhongsheng Man*, Zhidong Bai, Shuoshuo Zhang, Xiaoyu Li,   Jinjian Li, Xiaolu Ge, Yuquan Zhang, Shenggui Fu*, Redistributing   the energy flow of a tightly focused radially polarized optical field by   designing phase masks, Optics Express, 26(18):23935 (2018).

28.  Zhongsheng Man*, Zhidong Bai, Shuoshuo Zhang, Jinjian Li,   Xiaoyu Li, Xiaolu Ge, Yuquan Zhang, Shenggui Fu*, Focusing   properties of arbitrary optical fields combining spiral phase and   cylindrically symmetric state of polarization, Journal of the Optical Society of   America A-Optics Image Science and Vision, 34(8):1384 (2018).

29.  Zhongsheng Man*, Zhidong Bai, Jinjian Li, Shuoshuo Zhang,   Xiaoyu Li, Yuquan Zhang, Xiaolu Ge, Shenggui Fu*, Optical cage   generated by azimuthal- and radial-variant vector beams, Applied Optics, 57(13):3592 (2018).

30.  Zhongsheng Man*, Zhidong Bai, Jinjian Li,   Shuoshuo Zhang, Xiaoyu Li, Xiaolu Ge, Shenggui Fu*, Focus shaping by tailoring arbitrary hybrid   polarization states that have a combination of orthogonal linear polarization   bases, Applied Optics, 57(12):3047 (2018).

31.  Zhongsheng Man*, Shenggui Fu, Gongxiang Wei*,   Focus engineering based on analytical formulae for tightly focused polarized   beams with arbitrary geometric configurations of linear polarization, Journal of the Optical Society of America   A-Optics Image Science and Vision, 34(8):1384-1391   (2017).

32.  Zhongsheng Man#, Luping Du#, Yuquan Zhang#,   Changjun Min*, Shenggui Fu, Xiaocong Yuan*, Focal and   optical trapping behaviors of radially polarized vortex beam with broken   axial symmetry, AIP Advances,   7(6):065109 (2017).

33.  Luping Du#, Zhongsheng Man#, Yuquan Zhang#,   Changjun Min*, Siwei Zhu, Xiaocong Yuan*, Manipulation   orbital angular momentum of light with tailored in-plane polarization states,   Scientific Reports, 7(41001) (2017).

34.  Zhongsheng Man, Changjun Min*, Luping Du,   Yuquan Zhang, Siwei Zhu, Xiaocong Yuan*, Sub-wavelength sized   transversely polarized optical needle with exceptionally suppressed   side-lobes, Optics   Express,   24(2): 874-882 (2016).

35.  Zhongsheng Man, Wei Shi, Yuquan Zhang, Chonglei Zhang,   Changjun Min, X.-C. Yuan*, Properties of surface plasmon polaritons   excited by generalized cylindrical vector beams, Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 119(2): 305-311 (2015).

36.  Yuquan Zhang#, Wei Shi#,   Zhe Shen, Zhongsheng Man,   Changjun Min*, Junfeng Shen, Siwei Zhu, H. Paul Urbach, Xiaocong   Yuan*, A Plasmonic Spanner for Metal Particle Manipulation, Scientific Reports, 5(15446) (2015).

37.  Zhongsheng Man#, Luping Du#, Changjun Min*,   Yuquan Zhang, Chonglei Zhang, Siwei Zhu, H. Paul Urbach, X.-C. Yuan*,   Dynamic plasmonic beam shaping by vector beams with arbitrary locally linear   polarization states, Applied Physics Letters, 105(1): 011110 (2014).

38.  Zhongsheng Man, Changjun Min*, Siwei Zhu,   X.-C. Yuan*, Tight focusing of quasi-cylindrically polarized   beams, Journal   of the Optical Society of America A-Optics Image Science and Vision, 31(2): 373-378 (2014).

39.  Yuquan Zhang#, Jian Wang#,   Junfeng Shen, Zhongsheng Man,   Wei Shi, Changjun Min*, Guanghui Yuan, Siwei Zhu, H. Paul Urbach,   Xiaocong Yuan*, Plasmonic Hybridization Induced Trapping and   Manipulation of a Single Au Nanowire on a Metallic Surface, Nano Letters, 14(11): 6430-6436, (2014).

40.  Zhongsheng Man, Changjun Min*, Yuquan Zhang,   Zhe Shen, X.-C. Yuan*, Arbitrary vector beams with selective   polarization states patterned by tailored polarizing films, Laser Physics, 23(10): 1-5, (2013).

41.  Rong Wang#, Luping Du#,   Chonglei Zhang#, Zhongsheng   Man, Yijia Wang, Shibiao Wei, Changjun Min*, Siwei Zhu,   X.-C. Yuan*, Plasmonic petal-shaped beam for microscopic   phase-sensitive SPR biosensor with ultrahigh sensitivity, Optics Letters, 38(22): 4770-4773, (2013).

